I'll add a link to the 400 some pictures(!) once they are uploaded, but this should give you a quick taste of our time in Rockford. We had a great time inspite of the sickness that seemed to get us all. Thanks, B & J, for a great time! (Can't say that I'm thankful for the flu, but, hey... the rest was great!! )
Okay, here it is.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Happy Birthday, Dad!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Our 1st Christmas
OK, so they're a little late, but better late than never, right? Last Sunday night we celebrated Christmas as a family following our church's annual Christmas caroling to shut-ins. Below are a few shots of the fun we all had sharing presents with one another.

While it worked better with our travel plans to celebrate on Sunday night, we still wanted to enjoy the "Christmas morning" experience, and so we saved stockings and the kids' "big" presents (they received their very own toy laptops) for early Monday morning before we left on the big trip. Before they got to see what was in those last two packages, though, we took time to read the Christmas story, and--of course--enjoy some cinnamon rolls!
Albert's Family Visit
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Bordeaux Christmas is Over!!

Some Christmas Photos!
Still a little energy left for new toys after 27 hours in the car!
The only fun thing about seeing Santa...waiting in line!!
Making friends with cousins!
In line waiting to see Santa!
We have the flu bug going around here, so we really haven't done any celebrating yet. It's definitely taking its course, and it isn't fun. So far, Bob and Brian seem to be the only ones that haven't fallen prey. Hopefully that continues. Just wanted to get you a few photos and try to add a link so you can see the rest. Never used a MAC before and not getting much help from brother, Bob! :-) Hope you all had a merrier Christmas than we! Hopefully we will be able to celebrate tomorrow.
Christmas Morning-- à deux!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve-- à deux!

Saturday, December 20, 2008
3 Church Cantata!
Well, it is history!! And the Lord was so good in answering prayer. The 25 piece choir did great, the 3 pianists were super and your Dad was outstanding! There were 60 in the audience (plus one dog!) so that is a total of 85. The readers--Eli, Lianala, Timothee and Jana--did a great job. We had a nice "collation" afterwards. Thanks for praying.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thought you'd enjoy reading a letter Dad just received!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Holiday at Peace
We wanted to give our children a taste of the orchestra in a format we thought they would enjoy. So we all dressed up and took them and Aunt Donna on a "family date" to downtown Greenville and the Peace Center to hear the annual "Holiday at Peace" concert by the GSO. The Maestro Tchivzhel was in full form. The singer, Doug LaBrecque, was not outstanding, but his ego made up for what he lacked in vocal quality. We enjoyed a stop at Spill the Beans coffee shop (in its new location). We were pleased with how much M & M enjoyed the concert.
Letting our Holiday Spirit show...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Annual Student Christmas Party!

Last night we had the student Christmas party and the annual "white elephant" gift exchange. It turned out to be a great evening. Laetitia is here and she helped immensely (I wish we lived on a farm so we could keep her :-)). We were 18 in all. As you can see, we had raclette (which is also becoming the tradition!)
Friday, December 12, 2008
What the "mouse" did while the "cat" was away!

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Decorating the Tree!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
BJU Lighting Ceremony
We started out the evening by going to BJU's lighting ceremony. They are getting more and more "techy"! All of the words were on screen which was nice. It was not super cold, but if you look at Viviane, you would think it was -20!! Liz was being careful to make sure her daughter didn't get pneumonia!! :-) We then went over to the William's for our 5th annual party! I think that Michael and Liz were the ones who started that tradition. Then the girls came over for a sleep over--I think that is the 6th year of that! I made the traditional pancakes and bacon for breakfast! It was fun! It was a great time with lots of fellowship and great bonding. The season has officially begun. Click here for more pictures.

Ladies Christmas Tea in Pessac!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
First Christmas Party!
Last night Tim and Ruth had Grandma and Aunt Ruth over to show them pictures of NM. Amy was also hosting a party at her appartment after the Spartanburg Dickens Christmas Festival. I joined T & R's dinner and then after watching the videos that they had taken out west, we went over to Amy's for dessert. It was fun to all be together. Amy has fixed up her apartment quite nicely, and is all ready for Christmas. Well, she doesn't have a tree, but I don't think she's getting one! It was fun, and I was glad that I put the painting aside to go out and be with family.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Our Christmas tree

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