going "over the top" to please his wife!!! Dad put the tree together tonight, so that the girls and I only have to decorate it on Wednesday. Of course, the lights would have been nice, but then that would be really, really over the top!
This is a family blog. Visitors are always welcome. We'll love your comments! In fact, the Bixbys have always been very hospitable. But remember: this is a family blog. It is about us. Oh-- and Family, remember that visitors drop in any time they want. So let's keep things in the closet and under the bed that should stay out of sight to visitors. Let's be real, but as Dad used to say, "Remember your last name!"
He beat me. We just went after church and bought ours.
My father is no Scrooge!
(He did plan it well to be away while the decorations are going up.)
Wish I were there to help. Have fun with the girls!
Fun times. I'm sure Dad conveniently didn't have time for the lights, huh?!
If that's all the bigger the tree is, then he is Scrooge!
hmmmmm, I believe that our tree was a gift from our children many years ago. :-) It is bigger, however. He started with the middle part and had to redo it!
Ouch! Excellent riposte, Mom!
We don't have our tree up and I dread putting up the lights. I'm so glad that our family sees my annual whining and muttering over Christmas tree lights as part of the hallowed family tradition. Though I am certainly more Spirit-controlled than Christmases past I know that my family would think the season dampened if I did not offer up my annual howls of protest when it comes to tree decorating time. It really is all about them.
Ouch! Excellent riposte, Mom!
We don't have our tree up and I dread putting up the lights. I'm so glad that our family sees my annual whining and muttering over Christmas tree lights as part of the hallowed family tradition. Though I am certainly more Spirit-controlled than Christmases past I know that my family would think the season dampened if I did not offer up my annual howls of protest when it comes to tree decorating time. It really is all about them.
LOL! Anyone want to help ME with lights--TIM???????????????????? ;-)
Bob posted his twice just so we could see how very very sincere he is! You boys came by it naturally--Dad still hates the lights. Why didn't anyone get Grandpa's genes? He loved doing it and was just "grumpy" to make his family happy. Come to think about it--maybe Bob did get some of those genes after all!!!
I'm not grumpy I just sleep through it.
I don't think Grandpa like it, either. He was just the only one who could do it right.
Were you ever around when he was putting up lights? :-)
NO, I learned at a very early age--maybe 4--that that was the best time to go help make hot chocolate!
LOL!!!! I think Patience and I will start that tradition this year, Mom!!!
We are WAY SUPER EXCITED that we will have some Bixby family with us this year!!!! Can't wait!! ALL are welcomed!!
Believe me, as happy as I am that you will all be together, it still makes me a tad more sad to be alone!
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