We started out the evening by going to BJU's lighting ceremony. They are getting more and more "techy"! All of the words were on screen which was nice. It was not super cold, but if you look at Viviane, you would think it was -20!! Liz was being careful to make sure her daughter didn't get pneumonia!! :-) We then went over to the William's for our 5th annual party! I think that Michael and Liz were the ones who started that tradition. Then the girls came over for a sleep over--I think that is the 6th year of that! I made the traditional pancakes and bacon for breakfast! It was fun! It was a great time with lots of fellowship and great bonding. The season has officially begun. Click here for more pictures.

Looks like so much fun. We missed being there this year, but we were enjoying a concert in Symphony Hall so that was pretty nice too! I think I'm missing something though...did you have a sleep over at Bi-Lo? Just wondering.
Looks like you had a lot of fun! :-) Missed being with you all...and the annual girls' sleep-over!
Looks like fun--well, except the girls' faces are a tad grumpy. Did you wake them up too early? Next year we will be there (I hope!)
They're actually watching a movie! Annalise is the only one that acknowledged the camera-she'd seen the movie before!
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