17 Years! Congratulations! We hope you have a very special day. We love both of you beaucoups!
This is a family blog. Visitors are always welcome. We'll love your comments! In fact, the Bixbys have always been very hospitable. But remember: this is a family blog. It is about us. Oh-- and Family, remember that visitors drop in any time they want. So let's keep things in the closet and under the bed that should stay out of sight to visitors. Let's be real, but as Dad used to say, "Remember your last name!"
Happy Anniversary, B and J. I can't believe that you are approaching 20 so quickly! Wow! Then again, I guess I was a little girl at your wedding:-)
Hope you have a great day. I'm sure it will be a little hard to celebrate on a Sunday, but maybe this week?!
Congratulations! I came in here to blog, and Mom had beat me to it! I love you both very much and thank the Lord for the godly family that He has allowed you to become. It doesn't seem possible that it was really 17 years ago, but I guess the calendar doesn't lie. Have a wonderful day!
Happy Anniversary!
WOW! Seems impossible. Congragulations. Its so satisfying to see God do HIS will and work in and through you down through the years.
Love ya
U Steve
A very SPECIAL thank you, I mean congratulations...
Happy Anniversary and Congrats! Hope you have a special day.
Tim pointed out that the calendar was wrong--it says 16 years! (The family one, that is! Sorry--I never was good at math!) Hope you had a good day!
I'd forgotten that they didn't even have color photography way back then.
What an adorable couple!
I also (like Danno) need to thank you for getting married! Jen, you said Bob had a younger brother but......wow! :-) I do remember a lot about your wedding! :-)
I hope you are able to celebrate. If you can't fly to Jo's; then drive to aunt B's! We'll keep the kids, but I must warn you that the sights aren't nearly as appealing as 'out east'. :-)
So where or where are the anniversary kids? Off somewhere unknown? We do want to know what you did to celebrate--even if it was nothing :-)
Bob, your silence speaks volumes.
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