Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Grandma Bixby is 87!

Happy, happy birthday to Great Grandma Bixby! As spry and wise as ever, she turns 87 today. We love you, Mom, and hope that your day is relaxing as you sit by the fire and enjoy the snow outside :-) Thank you for the godly example you are to us all.


Bobby said...

Happy Birthday to you Mom. I said it yesterday, so as to be the first. And I'd call you now but you might not appreciate it at this time of the day. I love you with all my heart and am just now coming into the realization of what an awesome Mom I really had growing up. And I still have her, and I'm still growing up. Thank you for you patience with me. You're are the greatest.

Donna said...

Happy birthday, Grandma!