I cannot explain what a joy it was to me to see his almost-overpowering joy. I do not think I have ever seen anyone so glory in his infirmities. Truly, the Lord is doing an amazing work of grace in his life. His dad said that there was a time early on when Blaine gave up and got depressed, but people began to pray very hard and something happened. It is like he decided this is his gift from God and he is SOLD OUT!
He cannot talk. He can only type his thoughts. With one hand. The other side is crippled completely. But even then it is hard to get a word in edge-wise! He has a long, long row to hoe. His therapists call him Mr. Inspirational. He is a very bold witness and radiates.
What a blessing.

What an encouragement his life is--we are thrilled to hear about it and glad that you got to see him.
this sounds a lot like my visit with him - he kept going on about how God exults in using the broken and the weak. (although when i was there i didn't think his one hand was crippled. i was under the impression that he has always been a one- or two-finger typist!) another thing i loved was hearing him sing along in the car with a new CD. he can't enunciate the words, but he can still hold a tune. his maladies aren't contagious - but happily his joy is.
Thanks to Bob, Jennie and Patience for coming to see us while you were in Greenville waiting for the birth of your son. It was wonderful to see you!! Blaine was so thrilled to get to spend time with you, as we all were. Congratulations on that beautiful son!!
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