Saturday, January 06, 2007

McCarnan #2

Starbucks on Main. Beautiful Day. Shannon has a Starbuck's card. Iced Caramel Macchiatos sound good. We enter.

Josh McCarnan knows both of us. He saw us first, I think. So, anyway. We got to meet the little nephew that Joy is so proud of. We instantly saw the reason for her pride. Nice visit. Posted by Picasa


joydriven said...

wow - you caught the gv mccarnans at a starbucks. one would think that would be rare since he helps to manage a competing coffeehouse across town. i'm glad you bumped into one another.

joydriven said...

p.s. jack looks a little alarmed here - maybe he hasn't had his coffee yet. i'd love to get those pictures from you sometime (of meeting my family, the minnies, and browns).