The Hanson and Tim Bixby families enjoyed a day at the luxurious

We spent a few hours in the house in the morning, and then did a little exploring at the farm area later. The kids probably enjoyed the farm more than the other parts of our day, though Micaiah did think that the "special house" was pretty cool. He was most excited about the basement swimming pool, but the gargoyles and staircases peaked his interest as well.
Following our day at the Biltmore, we had pizza at the Dodds' favorite family-owned pizzeria "Ianucci's", where we experienced meatball pizza for the first time.

Looks like you all had a really nice day--and the weather must have been great, too. Dad and I visited the Biltmore on our honeymoon!
We visited the Biltmore estates a second time several years ago while we were at the Missionary Conference in Matthews NC. Donna was still teaching there. Let's see that was in about 2003 I would say. I'm glad you all got to do that togehter.
Hey! I have ALWAYS wanted to visit the Biltmore Estate. But.....anyway, it's amazing because if you click on the second set of pictures, it automatically brings up the Biltmore website....maybe you've saved Daniel the legwork in finding the website himself---he can book it now, how thoughtful and CONVENIENT. You are always thinking of ways to help us out. Thanks!
Yes, Brenda. Sometimes the gentlemen need a little nudge, eh? Actually, I didn't even realize I had done that. Must have had it selected when I added the hyperlink to the text.
We were just talking this weekend about how nice it would be to visit Biltmore again soon! Ah, one day we'll take the kids!
Our memoriable visit to Biltmore was with U. Mike and Angela before they were married! Glad you all had a good time.
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