Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It's Snowing!

Crystal went out at about 9:30 and shouted, "it's snowing" and started jumping up and down! We all were super excited--huge, soft snowflakes were falling fast and actually sticking! We are on our way to bed now at 11:30 and it is still snowing some so we have hopes of "no school tomorrow!" I have a big Cavimac meeting in town so I hope it sticks through the night. We have never seen this much snow in Bordeaux! Don't laugh all you northerners! Posted by Picasa


Aunt B said...

:-) It sure looks beautiful, and oddly familiar! ;-)

JennieB said...

Don't you just love it??? I'm oddly missing it... not the cold, just the snow!!

TRBix said...

Me, too. WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aunt B said...

I must note that Ruth had the nerve to steal MY word. That being 'WAHOO' of course.....:-) Just kidding! :-)(or was it Tim? so that's why you don't have individual blog names--right?!)

Aunt B said...

Was school cancelled?

Mom and Dad said...

Actually, the Bixby household had a "snow day" We aren't really sure if the rest of the city did or not :-) The girls went out early and all the buses and trams were not running--so I fixed waffles and we enjoyed the extra "free" time. I hope that my meeting was cancelled--but I don't really care since it is too late now.