Monday, November 22, 2010

Come, Heaven, Linger Over Earth

We all grieve differently. I tend to write poetry. Not good poetry, perhaps, but thoughts that express in a different way what I am thinking. Poetry helps me, because, unlike an essay, it is not required to say everything. That is, in fact, the beauty of it. Sometimes it is hard to express everything we are feeling, and when we just write about it, it can get frustrating. Writing a poem removes that "obligation." See what I mean... I've written twice the same thing because I'm trying to make sure it is fully understood... I guess if you can't express yourself in writing, write poems.

Here it is, set to a classical hymn tune.

Come, heaven, linger over earth’s deep sadness
Grant us a glimpse of sweet eternity
Sustain our faith, so tested by the trial
Comfort our hearts as to Your arms we flee.

We sing, in hope, of Jesus’ loving mercy
Capturing heaven’s light on earth below
Even so come, our Risen Lord, come quickly
Banish the grief our hearts have come to know.

While they, in heav’n, enjoy Eternal’s presence;
We wait in faith for Resurrection Day.
Come, healing Lord, obliterate earth’s sadness
Reign here in love, in joy and peace, we pray.

We long for Christ, whose blood has bought perfection
We long to join those there, who touch and see.
Someday we’ll run, as they, with childlike freedom
Now Christians here look only eagerly.

In loving memory, and for the comfort of the friends and family of Chloe Sophia Barnes, who went to be with Jesus on November 19, 2010 at the age of two. We know that she is in a better place and anticipate the day when her physical body, deteriorated by MLD, will be resurrected in a whole and perfect state. The words are drawn from statements and illusions made by her loving parents in the few days before her death.


Donna said...

Very sweet, Dan.

mom said...

Daniel, you definitely have a God-given gift and I can't think of a better way to express yourself. I am sure that more people will read or sing your hymn that would read an essay. Thanks for sharing. We are thinking of the Barnes family and all of you today.

Dad said...

Thanks Dan, that was very good. Wish i could write poetry. I did write Philip and Erica the morning of the day that little Chloe died (that night). It was prose though, but from the heart. I shared a personal experience as a child. Will send it to you. Dad

RuthBix said...

Thanks for sharing, Dan. I know many people grieve on many different levels in a situation like this. I'm sure your poem will provide expression of that grief for more than just yourself. Beautifully written.