Monday, November 08, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ruth Renée!

Joyeux Anniversaire, Happy Birthday, etc. etc. etc. We hope that the day is special (sounds like it started off that way and there is more to come!) We have so enjoyed having you as our next door neighbor and getting to know you even better. You are a wonderful daughter-in-law as well as wife and mother. Be spoiled :-)


Donna said...

Happiest of birthday, Dear SIL! Love you lots! (And what a DARLING picture!)

Dad said...

I ditto Mom. You are a wonderful daughter-in-law. I still marvel that there are not even 200 yards separating us. We get to participate in part of the face to face spoiling. Have the happiest of birthdays.
Love Dad

johanna said...

Happy Birthday, Ruth! I hope it's a marvelous day. And I agree, that picture of you and Zacharie is just precious!

Josh and Amy J. said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!!

RuthBix said...

Thank you, everybody! It was a great day, and I have yet a birthday dinner at 162bis to look forward to tomorrow. :) And, Jennie, the cheesecake is in the fridge, made by my sweetheart! MMMMmmmmm .... can't wait!