Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Fall of the Century?!

So, far this snowfall is beating almost all records. If we get much more, it will beat them all. I think the most is 10 in. in 1988. I'm pretty sure I have over 8 already in my yard, and it is still coming down!
Now, I realize that the majority of my family live in the north, and that this snowfall is nothing to you. But, you must realize that we have a total of 16 plows for the entire county! (The brought in 4 more from GA, this morning!) That makes this a major event for us...very difficult to clear even the main roads, let alone the side roads. It is beautiful, and I'm enjoying it from the indoors. Just hoping I don't lose electricity when the sleet hits this evening. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get out of here if I do lose power! :(
Using the day to do some major "new years" cleaning out and decluttering!
Eager to hear about Corban's birthday celebration!
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Donna said...

Okay, I lied! I just went out and measured, and it's only 7 inches at my house. I took a pic of the ruler--I'm trying to post that to FB, but still...pretty impressive.

mom said...

Wish we were there! It would be so fun to be snowed in!

RuthBix said...

Well, this family member is not from the North, but loves snow nevertheless, so she is impressed, and wishes she were with you to enjoy it!

Truly impressive and beautiful.

johanna said...

Very pretty!