Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving at 604

Okay, this is my third try to get this to go up. If ANYONE can tell my why I am having such difficulty with the blog, I would greatly appreciate it. So, this blog won't be as long as the last two--each one gets shorter!

We had a very good day at 604 Confederat Circle. It was Jo's and my first time to have Thanksgiving there since Grandma and Grandpa died. It brought back a lot of memories. I ended up doing most of the meal, since Aunt Donna was in Denver at Andrew's wedding, and Amy was called out to a birth on Wednesday and Amber and Na???? Well.... :-)

Our menu: sweet and white potatoes, brocolli casserole (oops I just realized I forgot the corn--o well, no one mentioned it!), dressing, turkey, salad, green and red jellos (made by Aunt Donna and Naomi) rolls, pecan pie, pumpkin crunch, and chocolate chess pie. I think that's all! Johanna made the pies and Brian did his wife-to-be proud by eating 3 pieces of pecan pie plus one of all the others! (My rolls--well, I may be able to cook, but rolls just are, apparently, not my thing--they weren't bad, but they certainly weren't the best--and they rapidly became the joke of the meal!)

It was quite the Bixby induction for poor Brian. I don't think he knew which way to turn at the table--16 people means 16 conversations!! (Well, minus Emily who was totally engrossed in her new husband and therefore too busy to talk!) And, minus Brian who didn't know what conversation to participate in! We played games, sang around the piano, and talked until about 10:30pm.

Okay, this got a little longer than tries one and two! I thought you might enjoy a glimpse of the family that was there--'cept me. We had a good time, but we certainly missed the Bob Bixby Thanksgiving tradition--maybe next year.

Hope you all had wonderul Thanksgivings,

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Mom and Dad said...

I am sure that it brought back lots of memories--and sorry about the rolls. That is just an Aunt Donna specialty so the standard would have been super high. I am sure they were delicious.

JennieB said...

Donna, experienced blogger that I am, I often type my lengthier comments in a Word Document or something and then copy and paste it into the blogger site. If you get disconnected, no big deal, just paste it up again. Save your html that way as well so you don't have to reload pictures.

BTW, thanks for the pictures. Very nice. But we really missed you here.