Eat lots of pizza tonight...
Tomorrow, take a solemn look at the fire on Tim and Ruth's tire.
There's no mistake... its a robed figure, trying to send them a message.
What could it be?
Get a new car? Sign up with AAA?

This is a family blog. Visitors are always welcome. We'll love your comments! In fact, the Bixbys have always been very hospitable. But remember: this is a family blog. It is about us. Oh-- and Family, remember that visitors drop in any time they want. So let's keep things in the closet and under the bed that should stay out of sight to visitors. Let's be real, but as Dad used to say, "Remember your last name!"
My dad taught me to strike a match to the wet glue and let it burn for a few seconds before applying the patch. I used to do that when fixing flats. Apparently even though they don't use inner tubes much, they continue to use the same method. Dad
My dad didn't teach me that...
That I remember anyway.
Learn something new every day!
I am the least mechanical of all the Bixby Boys, but I remember Dad fixing flats that way.
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