Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Louisville Zoo

Well, we made it! Our day began slowly, Bob bringing a sleeping Patience to our room where our kids were still sleeping. After a leisurely pancake breakfast in our hotel's restaurant, we made a break for the zoo. We stopped at K-Mart to buy some swimming supplies for tonight's entertainment, and then began our zoo adventure about 11:30 this morning. We pretty well covered the entire place, and managed not to lose any children! Then this evening, after dinner with the boys (that would be Bob & Tim, in case you are wondering) we swam to our heart's content. (Sorry, no pictures there. I wasn't stupid enough to risk that with our digital camera!) Wish the rest of you could have been here. We sure had a blast. Posted by Picasa


TRBix said...

P.S. Can anyone identify the animal in the in the bottom left-hand corner? Hint, hint: You were probably neighbors once!

JennieB said...

Wow you all did cover some ground today. Auntie Ruth must be bushed! I love the shades on Micaiah!! Looks that the weather was perfect for a zoo day!

Mom and Dad said...

Give up on the animal, Ruth....I just know it is NOT a monkey :-) Must be African, huh?

TRBix said...

Yes, Jennie. Micaiah adores (if I may use that expression) his shades!

C'mon, Mom. Give it a try. (Can't you see I'm desperately trying to encourage some blogeraction, here? ;-)

Here's another hint: It rhymes with the name of an African country.

Daniel said...

Is the animal a Bongo?

joydriven said...

Fry Beeria?
Shots Fauna?
Clams Anaea?

TRBix said...

Daniel is the winner!!!!!!!!!

So tell us, Daniel, was it a stab in the dark, or are you just really smart? (Joy is the one who really looks smart ... but she got the wrong answer!)

Daniel said...

Must I truly confess?

The internet is amazing. ;-)