This is a family blog. Visitors are always welcome. We'll love your comments! In fact, the Bixbys have always been very hospitable. But remember: this is a family blog. It is about us. Oh-- and Family, remember that visitors drop in any time they want. So let's keep things in the closet and under the bed that should stay out of sight to visitors. Let's be real, but as Dad used to say, "Remember your last name!"
Jennie, have you redecorated? I can only see snippets of them, but the couch and rug look new to me. Beautiful family!
The pic of us as a family is at Jennie's parents' house.
Look at that lovely family! I still remember holding you as a baby, Patience, and being amazed by your sweet, precious face and by God's goodness to bring you into our lives. I am still amazed. Love you, Crystal
Look at that lovely family! I still remember holding you as a baby, Patience, and being amazed by your sweet, precious face and by God's goodness to bring you into our lives. I am still amazed. Love you, Crystal
Looks like you had a really pretty dress for Easter, Patience. And you could really use that umbrella here. love ya, Grandma
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