Many of us are familiar with the name Gladys Aylward from the film The Inn of the Sixth Happiness. An Mp3 of her sharing her own testimony can be downloaded here.
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when i tried to download them (trying right-click/save-link-as), i could only download very heavy "php" files. do you know how we can download mp3's rather than opening them in a new window? do i have to be using Internet Explorer as my browser?
Hmmmm. I just tried it again using Firefox and I was able to right-click on the "part 1" (then save link as)and it worked for me. I'm not sure how to help.
Tim, I think that most knew Gladys Aylward long before we saw the film and never thought the film to be anything but a Hollywood distortion. I do look forward to listening to her testimony.
I agree, and she herself claimed, that the movie was a distortion, and that the romance was a mere Hollywood creation (though she does talk about her strong desire to be married and suggests that it was God's will for her but that someone back in England didn't obey God's will to go join her!).
However, the film was made way back in 1958 and that is what made her famous even while she was still alive. I would guess that most people only heard of her because of the film (whether they had seen it or not). The first time I remember hearing of her is when Mom brought home the movie. It wasn't until after I was married that I read her biography.
To those who only know her through the movie, the mp3s provide a more authentic representation.
We have a sweet Irish lady in our church who often talks about hearing Gladys Aylward in person and how much it affected her.
Can't say as I've ever seen the movie. When I was a boy my momma never brought home movies for us to watch!
I listened to part 1 of her testimony. I really enjoyed it. Dad
Sorry about the "a dit" Only Mom's address is valid on this ordinateur.
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