Happy 25th! You have brought much joy into our lives since you arrived to "complete" the family unit! And who would believe that in such a flash we would be kissing you "good-bye" on the steps of the church and now you are going to be a mama! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday from your youngest older brother!
I love you.
1st birthday as a married woman, last without having to be more concerned about your children than your birthday. ;-) Enjoy!!!
hap-py birt-day, aunt jo! Her going to have a baby. I love you!
Have a good birthday at your party. And getting a baby. And have really fun on your birthday.
That's all. I love you.
Happy Birthday to my little sis'.
I'm sure Brian will treat you royally.
Love you. Hope you have a good day.
Is that Micaiah holding Jo in the top right picture? :-) Sure looks like him!
Happy Birthday Jo!! Hope you have a wonderful day especially knowing that for the first time since you were 5 you aren't starting another school year!! Put your feet up and read a good book while Brian is away, and anticipate the queenly treatment you are sure to recieve upon his return!
Happy Birthday!
I can imagine, Jo, that when you get real old that you might be as feisty as this lady. (This is classic justice!)
Be sure to have your volume way up when you watch it so that you hear the screeching brakes that caught the attention of the videographer in the first place. Her laughing is mild compared to what mine would have been!
Happy birthday, Johanna!!!!
We hope that you have a great day, and are able to relax!!! :-)
Happy Birthday, Shelby Lee!
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