Saturday, May 17, 2008

Touring Boston!

The subway ride
I think this was Micaiah and Miriam's favorite part of the whole day--riding the "train!"

Sites on the Freedom Trail
We enjoyed walking, and walking and more walking! Some of the sites included Park Street Church, site of D.L. Moody's conversion, Paul Revere's house and statue, several cemeteries where notable figures are buried, Bunker Hill Memorial, and lots more!

USS Constitution --"Old Ironsides"
We enjoyed touring several levels of the USS Constitution which is still comissioned as a Navy vessel. The oldest commissioned ship still afloat in the world, it was first launched in 1797. The security to get in was worse than an airport, but we enjoyed the free visit! Another favorite of Micaiah's!


JennieB said...

Wow!! You all are taking in all the sites! I love the picture of Stefan with his Daddy -- what a BIG smile!! You all must have slept well after all that walking. I'm so glad that Jo and Brian are getting to visit all the sights around them. We will have to plan on coming for a tour...

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have had the royal tour! Remember being on Ole Ironsides years ago,Jo? Were you there, too, Tim?

Donna said...

They got a more thorough tour than I did! Great pics--thanks for posting!