Wow! Another whole year has passed and you are five years old! Grandma and Poppa wish we could be there with you, or better yet, you could be here! God was so good to give you to your Mommy and Daddy. I am sure this is a special day for them, too. We love you.
Grandma and Poppa
Happy Birthday, Patience!
I wish you can come over again. And I am giving you a gift (she tells you what it is, but I will leave that out!) I miss you, Patience. (I can do it all by myself, Daddy - so here goes)...
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(That was from Isabelle) - Just wanted Patience to be sure and catch that! :-)
We love you, too, Patience. You'll have to get your daddy to post a picture of you at the American Girl store!
Happy Birthday,
Uncle Tim, Auntie Ruth, Micaiah & Miriam
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