Friday, March 10, 2006

Science Fair Winner! (Re-posted by Uncle Bob)

Hello everybody!
I just got home from the Science Fair at school. Guess what…. My project was a winner!! This is a picture of me and my ‘golden medal’ as Isabelle says.
Here is what my project was about:
It was called: H2O Makes Plants Grow?
My hypothesis was that plants watered with microwaved water would not grow as much as other plants. I picked out four plants that were the same size and watered them every day with ¼ cup of: 1) distilled water, 2) microwaved distilled water, 3) city water, and 4) microwaved city water. I had them by an east window for 2 weeks, and then moved them to a west window for 2 weeks. Nothing changed. My results were that the distilled water was the healthiest, then city, then microwaved city, then microwaved distilled. Neither of the microwaved waters did well at all.
There were 4 judges and since I was a winner I get to go to Mankato to another Science Fair.



Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Elise! We're proud of you. Thanks for the info, too. We'll be sure not to water any of our plants with microwaved water!

By the way, we thought you were going to be a writer. Is science now becoming your forte? Ever thought about science fiction? ;-)

Uncle Tim, Auntie Ruth, Micaiah & Miriam

Mom and Dad said...

Congratulation, Elise!! We are so proud of you. Your display board looks really creative, too. We knew you were THE BEST ! Poppa thinks you should come water my plants with some good water!

Daniel said...

Makes you think twice about using the microwave!

Anonymous said...


We are excited about your success! Wow! I never was a fan of microvaved water, but I have had microwaved coffee. I'm having serious second thoughts about it now....


Uncle Bob

Mom and Dad said...

As you know, I already commented, but since they got deleted, I will recomment. You did such a good job on your project. I'm so proud of you. You seemed to be very organized and your poster was very well laid out. Good job. Keep it up and let us know how the next competition turns out. I love you so much,Auntie Donna