Friday, March 10, 2006

Technical Intervention Notice


I had to delete and re-post Elise's post because it got hit by pornographic spamming. Since blogger is not very convenient for deleting a single comment, I have made some changes in the system that will make all non-members have to have their comments run through me before being posted. This should eliminate spammers, but it will slow down the process just a hair.

The unfortunate thing is that I lost all the congratulatory comments for Elise. PLEASE renew your kind words for our sweet little Science expert. I don't think she had a chance to read them yet....

Bob, Uncle Bob, and Site Administrator of Hugely Popular Bixby Family Blog

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

Thanks, Bob, for doing that. I saw it early this am, but couldn't erase it. Think it is a good idea you have !