Saturday, March 04, 2006

Visit to the Markets

Hello, this is Chip Wiginton. This morning we went to the open air markets in downtown Bordeaux. The first one we visited consisted of mainly clothing. They offer basically any type of clothing you can imagine, from shirts to socks. After walking through it for a while, we headed for the food markets. As you can tell by the pictures, they offered many different types of foods. some of them very different than American food. It was a great experience to see how people really live in France.

(the guy in the photo is a student from Holland named Albert) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Wow! Albert got a haircut!!! Looks nice, Albert.

Anonymous said...

Those pictures made me homesick for the great, fresh food in France! We miss you, Chip!

Anonymous said...

We're enjoying your notes and pictures immensely! You seem to be having SUCH a good time. I sure wish I'd figured out a way to stuff myself into your biggest suitcase. Plese give Miss Bixby and her parents our heart-felt thanks for all they're doing (and have done.)
Lucas is getting lonely already!!