Monday, April 10, 2006

The Cantata is History!

The last performance of the cantata was here yesterday afternoon. We were thrilled with the attendance--about 80 people plus the choir and us(32)! We were especially happy that 7 people from the neighborhood were here. 5 for the very first time. There were lots of other visitors, too. We had refreshments afterwards, but the the weather had turned cold and rainy so we had to have it inside. Our house was packed! These pictures were taken after many had already left. (Should I challenge you to name people? :-) It was also Bakers' last night, so it made a nice send-off for them. They left at 7 this morning.
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1 comment:

JennieB said...

I can name two... Crystal and Alicia!!! Proves that I haven't been to France in awhile.