Thursday, April 20, 2006

Trash Day, part 2

OK. So today after the trash man's weekly visit, I find Micaiah pushing around his Tonka dump truck with a piece of plastic trash in the back of it. Not making the connection, I simply tell him that he needs to put the trash back into the trash can. But he then informs me that he is driving his trash truck, and proceeds to demonstrate how one dumps the trash out of the truck. So maybe he has the actual process a little mixed up, but this proud mother was pretty impressed with the creativity of her 2-year-old, and I therefore post a few pics here for your viewing pleasure. Posted by Picasa


JennieB said...

I love the backwards hat!! He is growing up and loosing the toddler look... WOW! and I can't believe that Mariam is riding her own set of wheels. We need to see those two little ones before they change too much.

Auntie Jennie

JennieB said...

I love the backwards hat!! He is growing up and loosing the toddler look... WOW! and I can't believe that Mariam is riding her own set of wheels. We need to see those two little ones before they change too much.

Auntie Jennie

Mom and Dad said...

Micaiah, Poppa wants to know if you are going to be a MISSIONARY trash man? He hopes so!!