Sunday, April 22, 2007

It's Brenda's Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Brenda Lou! I'm sorry your birthday falls on a Sunday, but hopefully your family will still manage to do something special for you. I can't wait to hear about all the wonderful things they have planned. Enjoy your day; you deserve a special one. Love you, girl!
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Mom and Dad said...

Happy Birthday, Brenda!! Hope it is special. We will try to give you a call when we think you are home and before we think you are napping :-) We love you.

Brian said...

Happy Birthday, Brenda! I hope your family spoils you rotten. I have no doubt they will:-)
We love you.

Aunt B said...

Thanks! It's been wonderful! My folks are in town, so my mom brought delicious home made cinnamon rolls which my sweet kids (and hubby) brought to me this morning in bed....of course! :-)
Then, we went to church and went out for lunch afterwards, and I enjoyed hearing your beautiful French voices (whomever they all were! :-)) had a quick snap nap on the couch, and we're off to choir practice.

Donna said...

So where did you eat lunch?

Daniel said...

We took Brenda to Jensen's Cafe. Remember that place, Mom and Dad?
It was kind of a bummer day for Brenda, a lot going on. Oh well, when you get to be THAT old...

JennieB said...

Happy Belated Birthday to our dear Brenda Lou!! Sorry we missed the big day to call you, but I'll try to make it up later today. Are your parents still there?

Aunt B said...

Thanks! Mom just took Wendy, Molly, Susan and I out for lunch, it was so fun. My folks just got on the road now.

TRBix said...

Happy REALLY belated birthday,Brenda! We were out of town from Friday until last night (Wednesday), so we're just now trying to pick up the pieces and move on. We thought about you and your big day. I hope your family has been spoiling you all week long, since your day was such and full one, and since you deserve it!

Aunt B said...
