Today the Beals took us downtown Boston. It was a cold, rainy day, but fun none-the-less. We weren't able to tour as much as we would have liked, due to the weather, but we did get to see some interesting things. Mainly graves of some famous people including: Paul Revere, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, and --not to forget: Mother Goose! (Her real name is Mary Goose, and her husband is Isaac--if you wanted that big of a history lesson!), the meeting hall where the meeting to plan the "Boston Tea Party" took place, and the most significant to modern church history, was the location of the shoe store where D.L. Moody was converted. It is now a Staples store, but there is a plaque on the wall commemorating him. We also saw Park Street Church where several early famous American's attended and preached in. It was a great day, and Stefan did great being buried in his car seat/stroller the entire time. We ate lunch at a hole in the wall pizza place--a tradition of the Beals--stand up only, but only $1 a piece. We finished off the day in a pastry shop with hot chocolate (for Brian and me!), cappacino's for the "adults", and pastries all around. I can't wait to go back and really see some of the intersting sites when we aren't buried under hats, scarves, and mittens! Really, it wasn't all that cold, it was just wet, wet, wet!
The Beals are John and Robin and children Zach and Allie.
The Beals are John and Robin and children Zach and Allie.

Looks like it must have been fun--as well as cold and rainy!! Maybe next time we will be there and can "do" Boston. Wishful thinking!
Glad you got to go, even if it was cold and rainy!
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