Monday, September 18, 2006

Couples' Retreat

As Donna told you, we spent the weekend with three other couples from our church (Coles, Kellners & McKnights) at The Wilds. Our speaker was Dr. Jim Berg, dean of students at BJU and author of the book Changed Into His Image. (How do you like all those hyperlinks, Bob? Am I becoming a true blogger? ;-)

It was a fabulous weekend. We were kept so busy that I hardly found time to miss my kids, though I was very glad to return to them on Sunday. We enjoyed the bonding time with the other couples (e.g. human foosball, the giant swing, land trolley, etc.), and the sessions with Dr. & Mrs. Berg were truly excellent. We were challenged and inspired. Posted by Picasa


Bob Bixby said...

I'm impressed. I'm also thrilled that you had such a good bonding time with the other couples. That's a blessing to have the WILDS within driving distance.

Mom and Dad said...

Sounds like it was a well-worth it weekend. We are glad you could you are ready to give Jo and Brian sessions on Marriage 101, right?

Aunt B said...

Ruth, you look like you were made for that swing/zip line thing!!! Such finesse!