Saturday, September 23, 2006

More Pictures of France

I’m sorry it has taken so long to blog about our trip to France, but we hit the ground running when we came back, and this is our first opportunity to sit down and write about it.
We had a wonderful time, to put it mildly. It was great to come “home” after 13 years. We got to see a lot of Paris. I was able to do a lot of walking, and even took the stairs up the Arc de Triomphe (by accident!).
The kids had a blast at Grandma and Grandpa’s. Thank you again, for taking such good care of them. It is so nice for them to be able to put into context your environment there. It was the little things like “going outside to go the basement” that they thought were cool. We only wish we would have had more time. It seems we spent a lot of time in the car. It was so worth it, though. It was really a dream come true, and one that we will remember for the rest of our lives.
We took almost 600 pictures, but here are a few of them. 1) The other side of the Atlantic. 2) St. Emillion 3) The best reason to come; 4) Versailles; 5) Auberge de l'Abbaye; 6) Chateau de Villiers, our "hotel" 7 & 8) Le Louvre 9) coming home. Posted by Picasa


Mom and Dad said...

Now Donna, that is a great idea. Thanks for the pics...boy, do we miss you!

Aunt B said...

Thanks again, Mom and Dad for everything. Breakfasts together have lasted almost a full week, now, thanks to the Pessac tradition! We had such a great time. Ben was talking about your attic this morning. :-)

Aunt B said...

Now that you ask for my opinion about the glass thing in front of the Louvre, I'll tell you what I think----:-) I think it is REALLY ugly and out of place. There, now I feel better. :-) Thanks for asking!

Aunt B said...

Thank you Donna!