France, France, France! We had a splendid time in Bordeaux. Crepes, Mc Donald’s, shopping, shopping, shopping, and more shopping! How much better could you get. Our first ride in a tram was a blast! Even though my mother and father suggested strongly that I get my ears pierced I refused.
Then last night we had prayer meeting and everyone sang and prayed in French. Dad gave a testimony and Grandpa preached. I am pretty proud of myself that I did not fall asleep.


It's so good to see your faces in the the places that we know and love so much. I am a tad jealous... those crepes bring back lots of memories.
Elise...I'm shocked!! did you say that you refused to get your ears pierced?? Patience will be jealous that your parents offered it to you!! I'm suprised that you wouldn't want more jewelry!! (you know they buy you some when you first get them pierced, right?)
The turmoil poor Elise went through deciding whether or not to get her ears pierced!!! :-) She's a little 'gun shy' shall we say?! She wishes I would have let her Daddy take her to get them pierced when she was a baby like he wanted to. Then the pain would be over. :-) oh well.....
The crepes were heavenly. :-)
This morning, we were all up by 6:45! We've actually been eating breakfast together, which is nice! This morning, it was a baguette (that you had to imagine was from a french bakery :-)), hot chocolate/caffe mocha!!!! viola!
Ben claims Isabelle woke him up at 3:30 this morning....jet lag is for the birds!!!! ;-)
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