The kids came home from school an hour early today, and I left work early as well. They are hoping for a snow day tomorrow. We'll see.
Click here to see a video of the kids having fun sledding down the deck steps. It is fun snow to play in and the weather is nice, right around 30*.
OK. So I'm just a wee bit jealous. Did I hear the Bixby Bed & Breakfast is open for business?
Hhhmmmm ....
Any time, Ruth.
I love snow like that. We have had a lot of snow this year as well. It has been raining like crazy today, but we have so much snow that it has not melted away. It is snowing tonight again.
Patience hasn't had the opportunity to play in it yet.
Oh how I wish Patience could have been there to play in the snow with Isa! What a ball they would have had. We ended up with a dusting of snow late last night, but no where near the 12-20 inch mark. Enjoy your snow time together, I always enjoy it when we are have to stay home together with no way to get out!!
Well, it may be fun to play in, but it is less fun to try and dig out of. It took Ben and me a long time this morning. The plow left about a 4-foot drift. The snow is up to the mailbox, which has been broken by the plow. Grrrr!
You all are welcome... just bring an extra shovel!
I should say that Brenda won't let me do too much shoveling (that's why I tried to start early, before she was out of bed). Ben has become a huge help with this, though. We ended up just breaking down the drifts, little by little and shooting it away with the snow-blower.
Anyway, any extra help will be accepted! :-)
About the steps... believe it or not, I DIDN'T put them up to that. I can't believe Ben was brave enough to try it the first time. If only I was about a hundred pounds lighter....
Oh, this is what makes Minnesota SO BEAUITFUL!!!! We should take some pictures of the pretty heavy snow covered trees.
No school for the kids today, they came home early yesterday when it was blizzard-like conditions. On the bus on their way home they all had to go to the back so that their weight could help make it up a big hill, I guess. It was pretty bad out there.
Tonight we have company, so everyone is 'working' at helping! ;-) (and creating more messes!) :-) It's fun! The hot cocoa never tasted better than when it's so wintery outside!
"Come to Minnesota!" (remember your clock, Dad, that Ben recorded one of the hours for you?)
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