Thursday, July 10, 2008

Downtown Bordeaux

Jonathan and Cherith Teachout and Aunt Betty Teachout.

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Liz said...

Neat! Are the Teachouts there for a while or just passing through?

Donna said...

Teachouts are just passing through. We went into town again tonight (Jonathan and Cherith, Jeanine, Grant and Jana, and me) to see Bordeaux by night. It was beautiful, and I'll post pics of that tomorrow, but unfortunately Jonathan got his camera bag stolen with his GPS in it (camera he was using), and their telepeage (credit card like thing for the toll roads.) Thankfully, nothing else was in there, and I really don't think the drunken teenagers that were out on the town tonight will even know what the telepeage thing was unless of course they read this comment and find out!! He has no idea when it disappeared, but I'm thinking it was probably even cut off his shoulder with scissors when he was taking pictures. There were several times that we had walked on ahead while he was taking pictures. That or he absentmindedly set it down, though he doesn't remember that. Anyway, it was a fun evening--too bad it ended like that, but God is sovreign even in theft, right? It is after 1:00am, and we are just getting home. Since I'm sleeping in the HOT mezzanine I decided to check out the blog, and right an epistle in the comments post. If anyone gets this far, I hope you enjoyed my story about our evening out on the wild Bordeaux town!

Anonymous said...

They all got home at 1 a.m. We enjoyed having the Christtys over last night to celebrate July 4 with us. It has been so good having Betty, our former C.A.R. co coworker. She is 75 years old now. Her husband Don, died this past March. They were great missionaries.

Anonymous said...

Nice pics. That's too bad about the theft.

Anonymous said...

yea we read everything and keep up however for some reason we can't see the extra pictures.

talked to Na today, in Aus. She is doing great. Sorry not doing anything special for Donna's Birthday. running around for Amber. Her operation went well. but she is being Amber.Going to Ben and Bekas for supper

love you all

Liz said...

Loved the epistle, Donna :-) Too bad about Jonathan's getting his camera bag stolen.