Sunday, July 13, 2008

July "4th" Picnic on Thursday July 10th!

We grilled brochettes, had a piano trio of Stars and Stripes, and even some sparklers! Mom and Dad enjoyed seeing Betty Teachout again whom they haven't seen since they left Africa about 25 years ago! They had come to Greenville to see me shortly after my accident because they were in the area, so I have seen them since Mom and Dad had. It was really fun to renew the friendship and meet Cherith whom I've heard so much about. It was also nice to get to spend some time with Ed and Sylvia. Had a great time with them.
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Anonymous said...

It was a fun picnic. Lots of memories, that is for sure.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you all had a good time. I remember Jonathan telling wild stories that I tended to believe when we were very little children (about five or six years old). I'm not sure which is worse -- telling the stories or being so gullible.

It's good to see pictures of him and his family.