You'll have to go
here for a delightful little slideshow that Jennie put together, but I want to comment briefly on the concert since that was made possible by my loving family.
We had a wonderful time. The concert was everything and more that we could have hoped for. I had purchased a CD of Dvorak's Cello Concerto in B Minor to listen to a number of times before I heard it in person performed by Yo Yo Ma. I probably listened to it 20 times last week. So I was ready.
world's best cello player was in top form for the opening gala even of
one of the world's premiere symphonies. Since it was a gala event there were dignitaries to be introduced, including a Lady from England. Our $94. seats were almost in the nosebleed section of the hall, but the view was still exceptional and the sound just as if we were on center stage.
The first half of the concert included pieces by Stravinsky, Rossini, and a postmodern piece that Jennie didn't care for all that much. The second portion of the concerto was taken up entirely by Dvorak's concerto. Yo Yo Ma is a showman. He played with flair and he mesmerized the audience. It was a fabulous two hours.
I am strange, I know. But great music makes me emotional for absolutely no reason at all. It just affects me that way.
After the concert all the guests were invited to a reception. Wine flowed, but Jennie and I stuck to Sprite and Diet-Coke, enjoyed the swing band playing Big Band era music and watching old people slow dance! I told Jennie we needed to leave at one point because it was getting late (but really I was afraid that I would be tempted to take Jennie out on the floor and show those old geezers how to do it!) I, who have never danced publicly, was unimpressed. Oh, well.... We enjoyed the reception just sitting, talking to each other, laughing, and eating.
Several times throughout the entire event we commented that we were grateful to you all, family, for helping us mark the 15 years in such a special way. We would have never enjoyed such an exquisite taste of fine culture in one of our favorite cities had it not been for your creative thinking.
We love you all.
Working on the next 15.