It took us a while, though... it was dark by the time we ended!

This is a family blog. Visitors are always welcome. We'll love your comments! In fact, the Bixbys have always been very hospitable. But remember: this is a family blog. It is about us. Oh-- and Family, remember that visitors drop in any time they want. So let's keep things in the closet and under the bed that should stay out of sight to visitors. Let's be real, but as Dad used to say, "Remember your last name!"
Fall is so beautiful in Minnesota! And the golfers look great, too. You are ahead of me, Brenda, as I have never been golfing--except for minature golf :-)
And here I thought that you were an old pro at golf, Brenda Lou! Looks like a beautitul day to be out, enjoying fall and each other.
It was fun! I didn't have a clue what I was doing, but my friend that came with us is really good, so she kept giving me pointers. I would need to take lessons if I were to get serious. ;-) It was a beautiful day. The only down side was trying to find the golf ball among the leaves! Mom, we'll have to take you some time! (Or was that Dad's comment----you couples need to split up!!!!! ;-) JUST IN THE COMMENT SECTION!!!!
Can't say that the golfing part particularly appeals to me, but your fall sure is beautiful up there right now!!! I would stand outside with a stick just to see that!
(rpb) :-)
we aren't techy enough to split up, Brenda. That was me, Mom, that commented. Dad has been golfing once with Daniel, but Dan doesn't even remember it, so it must have been BAD!
That doesn't mean it was bad. I like to forget if I get beaten.
By the way, Donna. It isn't boring. Nothing is boring when Brenda goes. She did have a hard time keeping her mind on the game towards the end, though. She enjoyed the socializing as much as anything.
Isn't that why you go? To socialize?
YEAH right, your not techy enough! My parents just bought a lap top with Daniel's help......we're still teaching how to email and google 101......I think you're techy enough!!!! :-) But if your like it the way it is, I don't want you to change for me!!
I do remember Dad golfing with Daniel once. That was a long time ago!
rpb, thank you for identifying yourself. :-) Yes, the leaves were gorgeous!
Jen----socializing is exactly WHY I went!
I know socializing is the only reason I would think of going... well that and the golf cart! :-)
Actually, Jen. For the second time this year, I went golfing WITHOUT a golf cart. I haven't been able to do that for years, so I was quite elated after the first time. We walked the whole thing.
Seriously, I have been feeling great lately. I'm just about ready to take on Chicago!
(Actually, if we could put Bob in a wheel chair, I think I could do it)
LOL!!!!! I think poor old Bob would be about ready to PLASTER us if we ever put him in a wheelchair. (We might get to window shop, though!) But what's even funnier is Daniel WANTING to 'do Chicago'......shopping?????
If I ever write, I always sign 'Dad"--I don't remember beating you, Dan, but I do remember never connecting with the ball. You must be pretty bad!
LOL! Good for you Dan! The thought of Bob trying to direct us all for a wheel chair is too much! Although he was amazing this past weekend and took many taxi rides, and hasn't even complained about the cost yet! I think he was qick to take them Sunday because he wore me out Saturday night walking home... "honey it's just one more block.." guess how many times I heard that. :-)
Come for Thanksgiving MN Bixby's and we can shop & eat Chicago!
No, it's your turn to come to Minneapolis. You and your kids (plural on purpose).
Now Dan I don't know if I should be offended or not. Are you putting my hubby in a wheelchair and calling him a kid OR being nice and inviting us to bring Milou along?
Once you start down the slippery slope of allowing a dog in the house, you will soon be treating it as a child.
The answer to your questions is yes. I was suggesting that if Bob was in the wheel chair, it would slow us down a little. And of course you can bring Milou.
OK, this is not a very exciting posting, can some one please knock it off of #1?!!!!!
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