Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Double Dutch Treat!

We had a "Dutch" treat last night when Albert came in for a very short visit from the Czech Republic where he is doing his internship. The trip was completely paid for by his school but we are all enjoying the time with him. The girls wanted his famous "Dutch apple pie" so he put them to work and we had a wonderful dessert tonight. He leaves early in the morning, but our five "english-speaking" kids have had a great time together. (For any of you who don't know, Albert was here last year at the Business School and he is from Holland.) Posted by Picasa


TRBix said...

Would Albert allow you to share the recipe? That looks scrumptious!

joydriven said...

mmm. my first ever GENUINE dutch apple pie!!!

JennieB said...

ahh... a word from the stranger. So how does life in France?