We didn't have a whole lot of time, since Brenda and I needed to go to the hospital to visit Jacob, but it was still fun. The weather was perfect.

This is a family blog. Visitors are always welcome. We'll love your comments! In fact, the Bixbys have always been very hospitable. But remember: this is a family blog. It is about us. Oh-- and Family, remember that visitors drop in any time they want. So let's keep things in the closet and under the bed that should stay out of sight to visitors. Let's be real, but as Dad used to say, "Remember your last name!"
Fun! One reason why I love fall in the mid-west... apple orchards and corn mazes. I just have to ask though... what is up with the picture of Isa's panties?
Look a little closer.
Well, I'm a little embarrassed to look so closely, but if I do focus a little more intently (albeit still hesitantly), I speculate that what my eyes are perceiving is animal feed.
If my speculation is indeed accurate, I am left with another imponderable upon which to speculate:
Why does this merit a photograph?
Being a man of experience as well as the possessor of an above-average grasp of various cultures (including the Midwest), I am willing to venture that this is a picture of what is known to flustered humorists everywhere as a you-had-to-be-there hilarity.
Therefore, while we may look upon this with dead-pan expressions of befuddlement, let us not fail to congratulate the photographer for having captured what no other photographer has been able to do: he/she has taken a photo of one of those "it was funny at the time" moments.
This, along with a picture of the Loch Ness Monster has been the holy grail of photographers ever since the invention of cameras. The "you-had-to-be-there moment" of pure, unbridled hilarity is as elusive to those who did not experience it as is the Loch Ness Monster. But, like the Loch Ness Monster, those who have actually experienced it cannot, nay, WILL NOT be persuaded that it actually does not exist. So, what can I say?
Ah! I got it!
"HA HA!"
Ah.. ha... I think I have it. Does the upper left hand picture have to do with it?? Are the kids "swimming" in a maze of feed? And is poor Isa the only one you could get to squat down and pose for you? Poor Isa... she is going to get you back some day Dan!!
Eve - I mean, Brenda - made me do it. Yes, I snapped the picture, but SHE pointed it out, SHE told me to do it, SHE MADE me include it on the blog.
It's all HER fault.
Eve may introduce but NO BODY but YOU pushed the button on the camera!!
Oh... and had you followed the link that I so adeptly put on there, you might have discovered the answer.
Is that Molly and Bert as the Egyptians?
There, there, there, calm down fellow-bloggers!
Yes, they had this huge hay-bale area FULL of not 'feed' but CORN! It was so fun. You could jump, swim, bury yourself, whatever you wanted to do. When Isabelle bent over to put her shoes back on, we couldn't resist. It was hilarious. You should hear all of the 'clink clinks' when I vaccuum too!
Bob, you are right. You had to be there, and you graciously TRIED to find a smigin of humor. Thank you for your efforts. :-)
Jennie, I don't remember seeing any Egyptians around, but if your referring to the old folks and the guy holding a pitchfork, that would be Danno and I. :-)
Ya'll should'a been there. :-)
The Egyptians are on the corn maze website. But no, it is not Burt and Molly, it is Sever and Sharon Peterson (owners).
Move up to the Mid West, Donna!
I second that, Brenda... Donna!! :-)
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