Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or Treat!

We had a fun evening trick or treating. We started out by going to Gillette Children's Hospital and visiting Jacob. I forgot to take any pictures while we there. He was worn out, but was happy to see us. The kids had not seen him since this last operation. It was good for all of us. We then stopped and did a little "real" trick or treating. It was very cold out and we only lasted about 45 minutes to an hour. But they still got more than their share of candy. They are saving the "sour" candy for Jacob - that's what he likes. He doesn't like chocolate, but likes sour candy, I guess.
As you can see, it is more work for Dad and Mom than for the kids. Posted by Picasa


JennieB said...

They are all so cute!! Patience really wanted to be the "french artist", but her Mother was not creative enough to come up with what "that" would look like! So... thanks for the idea for next year Elise! Hopefully I will get Patience' picture up later today. And if I do you can notice our lack of creativity!

JennieB said...

I remember when Elise and Ben were Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy! What year was that?

Aunt B said...

Let's see if Mom B can remember what year it was. They were here that year! :-) Trivia question of the day, Mom!

Mom and Dad said...

yikes.......too long ago to remember. 2001 maybe??

Mom and Dad said...
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Aunt B said...

Voila!!!! I remember feverishly trying to make those red yarn wigs for Ben and Elise and Grandpa Morgan really rather wanting me to play Scrabble with him. :-)