This is a family blog. Visitors are always welcome. We'll love your comments! In fact, the Bixbys have always been very hospitable. But remember: this is a family blog. It is about us. Oh-- and Family, remember that visitors drop in any time they want. So let's keep things in the closet and under the bed that should stay out of sight to visitors. Let's be real, but as Dad used to say, "Remember your last name!"
Looks like a pulpit-bangin' preacher boy, to me.
Dan guessed what I would have--being big like his Daddy and preaching!
You both are, of course, right. He's our little preacher. Now as to the pulpit-bangin' ...
He set up the whole scene himself, utilizing a Mommy's plastic file cabinet as his stage and Daddy's trumpet case as his pulpit. The Hot Wheels case served as his briefcase, and the digital Sudoku game as his computer so he could "show some (Powerpoint) pictures." He even asked someone in the audience (Miriam was his sole congregation member) to please turn out the lights so we could see the pictures better. OK, so I guess maybe he was missing his Bible. Looks like he needs a little more instruction before taking his first pastorate.
Just looked at the pic again and realized that he did have one of his SS verse cards in front of him on his pulpit. So maybe he's ready to hit the road after all. Anyone like to have him as your next conference speaker?
How booked up is he? Put us down for 2023, if he has any weekends still vacant, amen? Poppa
2023?? C'mon... bring him on! We'll take him any time. If he came here he could triple his congregation size in one week!
Auntie Donna, what you need is revival! Patience would gladly come and be his pianist! And I vote Ben in for the first deacon, and Elise the deaconist... and Isa can be the song leader, and soloist. Now you will sorry that you turned down our little preacher won't you Auntie Donna!?!
Conviction is setting in I can tell. :-)
Sorry about the misspelled "deaconist".. of course what I meant was "deaconess". And here Elise is what a deaconess does. I think it suits you well. :-)
1.(in certain Protestant churches) a woman belonging to an order or sisterhood dedicated to the care of the sick or poor or who is engaging in other social-service duties, as teaching or missionary work.
2.a woman elected by a church to assist the clergy.
I think I could do that
I think i could do that!:)
Great pictures. Daniel would come a bring several visitors (4 Georges and a bear).
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